March 2001

Spare Pronto Batteries

Just been told by Lets Automate that they have just received a small batch of spare re-chargable Pronto batteries. These are pretty hard to come…

CEDIA UK Expo 2001

The CEDIA UK EXPO 2001 has been announced for the 21 to 24 May.  This year the show will be open to the public (in…

Pronto TSU2000 Firmware

From – “TSU2000 firmware! Well, here it is – the downloadable firmware update program for all Philips Pronto TSU2000 owners! If you’ve managed to incapacitate…

Intel Moves from HomeRF to 802.11b

Extract from an article on The Register this morming… Intel has dealt a severe blow to a wireless networking standard supported by industry heavyweights such…

Pronto News from

News from the Webs greatest Remote Control site. “Pronto happenings…Sure, it’s taken a few months, but I’ve learned that a firmware upgrade for the Pronto…

64Meg iPAQ Officially Confirmed

“Compaq on Friday unveiled two new iPaq handhelds, including one equipped with 64MB of memory . The company also announced the release of a dual…

New Hardware Webserver Addon for Comfort

It appears there are more interesting developments are in the pipeline for the Comfort home security/automation system. "We should be shortly releasing a hardware module…

Web Server for Winamp

This from Paul Miller on the ukha_d mailing list this morning. “You may want to check out the link below. The latest WebAmp update has…

Smart Home Design Software

Just received this – “Thought I would drop you a line to let you know that a new piece of software is available for download. The…

Stowaway PDA Keyboard Review

Adam Stevens review of the Stowaway PDA Keyboard is now on-line – “If James Bond used a keyboard, he’d use a Stowaway. If you want to…

HP Jornada 548 Review

Adam Stevens review of the HP Jornada 548 is now on-line… “There are a number of Windows CE Pocket PCs on the market, probably the…

Pronto Price Reduction

The release of the new 2 meg Pronto (SBC RU940) has meant a reduction in the price of the standard Pronto (SBC RU890).  Lets Automates…

BX24-AHT All Housecode Transceiver

Just spotted this on the news group. “The BX24-AHT is a DIY project that utilizes a BasicX-24 microcontroller, one of several RF receivers, and one…

Another Home Delivery Solution?

Just found this – “eleTrunk (patent applied for)…a stylish, safe and secure repository to accept mail order and other deliveries when you’re not at home. And…

Toshiba 2 Gig PCMCIA Drive

Toshiba have just launched their 2 Gig PCMCIA hard drive. I’m trying to find out if it’s compatible with the iPAQ as this would give…