
New DIY magazine from O’Reilly

O’Reilly Launches MAKE Magazine for Tech Do-It-Yourselfers.  Magazine and Companion Web Site ( Reveal How to Make Practical, Fun, and Wildly Creative Projects “To be…

4.1 Million Robots in Homes by 2007

“From the BBC’s technology News pages… Robots are set to become increasingly familiar companions in homes by 2007, says a United Nations survey. Seven times…

Kiss & Mplayer have tiff

Submission by Stuart Grimshaw – Slashdot is reporting that Kiss & the developers of the open source MPlayer have fallen out over code that both…

Garage Door DMCA Case Dismissed

The Register is reporting that a case brought by the Chamberlain Group against a manufacturer of a replacement remote for their garage door opener has…

BBC Features the SLIMP3

The BBC News site has just published a piece on network MP3 player, the SliMP3… "Ever wished you could listen to the hundreds of MP3…

SensorProbe in Integration With Sensors

Submission by Nash – Simple, Accurate and Rugged ,sensorProbe is a low cost SNMP enabled and Web based Environmental Monitoring Device. It can be configured to prevent…

Lawnmower Gets Connected

WELLINGTON (Reuters) – Tired of mowing the lawn? New Zealand researchers say they have a device that could make your neighbours green with envy. The robotic grass cutter…

Broadband gets Britain Buzzing

“Britain is catching the broadband bug. The start of self-install broadband and cuts in the price of fast net access via phone lines seem to…

Family To Receive Implants

In a fit of publicity that will turn Captain Cyborg green with envy, an American family have agreed to have unique serial numbers implanted in…