
All-New Roomba Vacuum Robot Range

iRobot have launched a the new “500 Series” range of Roomba home robot vacuum cleaners. “With the Roomba 500 series, iRobot further raised the IQ…

iRobot Announce new Pool Cleaning Bots

iRobot, famous for bringing the first affordable range of vacuum cleaning robots to the masses have just announced two new products. The Verro robots are…

First Home Robots Delivered

The first of these £8,000 Home Robots were delivered to their new owers in Japan a few days ago… “The launch has been widely anticipated…

Roomba Scheduler

Via… “When you think about it, one of the best things about the Roomba is watching it completely freak out your pets while it…

4.1 Million Robots in Homes by 2007

“From the BBC’s technology News pages… Robots are set to become increasingly familiar companions in homes by 2007, says a United Nations survey. Seven times…

A Robot Vacuum that Doesn’t Suck

… and by all accounts that’s the least of it’s problems: “While the Zoombot’s robotic intelligence and floor-covering algorithms aren’t bad, Applica has skimped on…

Another Robo-Vac

Another robot vacuum cleaner enters the market. What’s the matter with these people, haven’t they seen i,Robot yet! 🙂 “SharperImage gets into the market of…

Samsungs Internet Controlled Robot Vac

Just spotted this…"Samsung plans to launch its robot vacuum cleaner in Europe early next year. And for the first time ever for a cleaner you'll…

Roomba Intelligent Floorvac – Review

Submission by Peter White – WHAT IS ROOMBA?  Roomba is an ‘intelligent floorvac’ designed, as the manufactures put it, to “…keep your floors clean in-between…

Lawnmower Gets Connected

WELLINGTON (Reuters) – Tired of mowing the lawn? New Zealand researchers say they have a device that could make your neighbours green with envy. The robotic grass cutter…

The Rockin Robot

Perhaps Keith should keep his day job and KAT5, DJ is Dead. – “It’s three in the morning at an impromptu rave and the DJ is…