I have a number of DRH modules and the LEDs don't light on any of them regardless of the state thr relay is in. I can't seem to find any settings or connection for them Does anyone have an idea why or how to configure them ?
DRH Module LEDs
For a DRH the LEDs are not exposed for user connections but may be used by Cortex for certain objects. However there are a couple of possibilities to exert some user control. One is to send direct command packets addressing the LEDs (via a macro) or some Reflex settings which directly connect the LED states to either the relay or digital input states. Probably the latter method is what will be best if you just want an LED to indicate its corresponding relay state. To set this up stop the network and ensure the relays are all off at that point. Now send the following direct command packet:
FA90xxyy440012000002 <Transmit, or hit return twice> (where xxyy is the ID of the DRH module). This sets up the Relay -> LED state setting
FA90xxyy440008 <Transmit, or hit return twice> (where xxyy is the ID of the DRH module). This saves the settings to non volatile memory.
Now reset the module and you should find LED states follow relay states.