New Wifi Products and Updates to include MQTT framework

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  • Karam
    Automated Home Legend
    • Mar 2005
    • 860

    New Wifi Products and Updates to include MQTT framework

    For those not on our customer mailing list I'm re-posting here the news about new WiFi products and capabilities which could also be used in other home automation frameworks.

    Firstly, the long awaited MSDW-001 module is now released. This is an inline (no neutral required) WiFi dimmer, but more importantly it also carries sensory functions, namely: PIR, light level, temperature, relative humidity. So it is a bit like a combination of our wired SLD and PLH modules (but no digital inputs).

    Also we have been working for some time now to introduce the underlying IOTA-WiFi communication framework into CortexW10. This is now available as a new licence option and allows Cortex to communicate directly with singular WiFi based modules, such as the MSD-W01 or the SRM-W01, and with wired islands via the BRG-W01 module/s. In other words you could even have a configuration with Cortex not connected to any physical network at all, managing wireless modules and wirelessly bridged wired sections.

    Associated with all of this work we have also now revamped the firmware of all existing WiFi modules to extend the communication functionality (existing users please contact us for firmware update information). Probably of main interest is the introduction of an MQTT based framework. For those of you who already know something about MQTT I probably don't have to explain the extended possibilities that can become available through this, but one of these is also to allow a direct conduit between 3rd party software and the singular WiFi modules or bridged wired sections - so yes that means any of our existing wired modules can also be accessed by a 3rd party application so long as a bridging module is on the wired segment.

    A document illustrating various permutations of connectivity can be found here:

    A document illustrating an entirely wireless (communications) multi-zoned heating and lighting auotomation application can be found here:

    A summary of the current WiFi related products can be found here:
    Further details can be found on the individual product pages.