Now this is good! Our MP3 library is held in Node Zero on our Jukebox server (see how we built it HERE ). The music is accessed from a variety of devices including our Sonos system, Xbox media Center and iPods/iTunes.
“As iTunes doesn’t provide a function to update / synchronize your music collection with it’s own database, I’ve written a small utility for that purpose. Well, you may use ‘Consolidate Library’ of iTunes, but this is a typical Mac’ish behaviour letting one application control almost your whole life. I don’t like that too much, so better let my app control your life… 🙂
I recommend to backup your iTunes database (‘iTunes Music Library.itl’ and ‘iTunes Music Library.xml’), just to be on the safe side. ” [via eHomeUpgrade]
This is what i’ve been looking for! Thanks for this cool app. It works! 🙂