This afternoon I stumbled across possibly one of the most useful pieces of software ever! A mate’s recent blog post referred to “Jaikoz” – an audio tag editor with a difference.
“Jaikoz uses MusicBrainz, an online database of over 6 million songs. Many of these songs also have an Acoustic Id provided by MusicIP, allowing a song to be identified by the actual music, so it can do a match even if you have no metadata! These feature means that Jaikoz gives you the flexibility to lookup your songs by both the acoustic id and the metadata making Jaikoz a very accurate tool. But no identification system is 100% accurate so we have made it as quick and easy as possible to edit your data manually as well using a convenient spreadsheet view, with many autoformatting features.”
Jaikoz supports tagging of MP3, Mp4, M4a, M4p, Flac and OggVorbis files. Best of all Jaikoz is available for Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X and Linux and there’s a free trial available (£15 to buy)… : [Thanks Andy]
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They should Rename Jaikoz to MMM3 (cubed), which stands for Music Miracle Machine. This program fixed the mess I created from years of music saving / downloading / sharing.