BBCs iMP Trial Extended

We’ve just got an email from the BBC to say the trial of their Integrated Media Player (iMP) has been extended. They will be releasing an upgraded version in the new year also…
“As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to take this opportunity
to wish you a Merry Christmas and to thank you for agreeing to trial iMP
for the last few months. We hope you have enjoyed using the service.
As you will be aware, our original plan was for the trial to run for 3
months, which meant the service would have ended on December 31 2005.
We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve been granted an extension until
February 28th 2006.
The data from the extra two months will really help us to understand
what you want from the service and how you are using it. This will
be invaluable for us in making our case to the BBC Board of Governors
for a full roll-out of iMP.
To this end we will be rolling out a new upgrade in January… ”
We are looking forward to see the upgraded version. Whilst the current software has many issues, we must commend the BBC for its forward thinking in building this system.
BBC iMP Pages

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