The Brinno PeepHole is a weird little home gadget that might be useful for someone who has poor eye sight or isn’t easily able to put their eye up to the door to see who’s calling. Check out the video below.
The optical peephole has been around for over 40 years and is the best option to actually see who is at the door. The image quality is poor – In low light the image may not be easy to identify – The user must place an eye to the door thus darkening the peephole and signaling he is home – The height is not right for all people
The PeepHole Viewer is the digital equivalent of the optical peephole with some major benefits – Simple push button to see large image without darkening the peephole – Clear image in LCD Panel on door, easy to see for people of any height – Compensation for low light images -Compensation for “fish eye” distortion”
Brinno PeepHole :
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