Colour Pronto Q1 2001



Just recieved the following from David Purdey…

"Thought you might be interested in this brief eye witness report about the Philips stand and the Cedia show in Indianoplis. In addition to showing the new Universal Pronto, ie the model where the extra memory contains a database of drivers, they were previewing the new colour model to be launched next year. It was clearly unfinished but looked really cool! It has slicker animations and the ability to be used as a photo album. Also it can be used sideways ie landscape instead of portrait. The screen size is about the same as the current mono but because it draws much more power rechargeable batteries will be standard. Price is expected to be sub 00 – but how much less is of course anybodies guess! Apparently there will be a new version of Pronto Edit in November and a further version when the colour ones is released."



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