Comfort To Get Un-limited Vocabulary

It has been revealed that Comfort will soon accept an "audio-in" feed. This will finally mean the ACE-TTS (text to speech) module will be able to say any word through Comforts keypads! Imagine coming home and disarming your alarm and being told…"While you were out there were two cars in the driveway and you were phoned by Bob". Here's some more information from ACE developer Dan Hoehnen.

"I have the new UCM and it is connected to my pc. Both the audio IN and OUT features are GREAT! ACE can speak anything (wav or tts) out any keypad. And, I can have Comfort sounds come out the pc (voice mail, reminders, zone announcements, etc.). I am updating my ActiveX control that ACE and CWI use to talk to Comfort to support this and the other new features. The new UCM has the ability to mimic a keypad. So basically anything you can do while you are at a keypad, ACE can do from the new UCM. This is possible because of the new KD UCM command that allows ACE to simulate button presses on the keypad."

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