Spanish programmer “PadrinatoR” has release DSAmp v1.0, an application (complete with source code) that allows the Nintendo DS (NDS) to be used as a touchscreen remote control for WinAMP on a PC.
“DSAmp lets you control Winamp from you DS. You only need a wifi connection and a DS with a flashcart/M3/SC/etc…(READ ON…) Features:
- Open, close Winamp
- Previous file, Next file, Pause, Play, Stop
- Repeat All/off
- Shuffling On/Off
- Toggle Fullscreen
- Show ellapsed/remaining time
- Change volume
- Show track title
- Sleep mode (for Nintendo DS, like comercial games)
- After 20 secs of inactivity, both screens are turned off.
(Server application uses the port 32123 for UDP connection)”
Download Here : Original Forum post
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