Home Surveilllance Kit Launched

With crime figures continuing to pose a threat to our homes and property, there’s never been a better time to get some protection! Whether you’re worried about your car being vandalised, your home being broken into or – most importantly – the safety of your family…
Digital Cybermasters’ new Home Surveillance Kit is for you. The Home Surveillance Kit is all you need to transform your Windows PC into a sophisticated home CCTV surveillance system!

The Home Surveillance Kit includes a high resolution CCTV camera (designed for both indoor or outdoor use), 10 metres (30 ft) of camera cabling, a PCI video capture interface and – most importantly – Digital Cybermasters’ own award-winning InControl Webcam Edition software to tie it all together. With prices starting at £129.99 + P&P, the kit is available with either a colour or monochrome CCD camera and – for those who’d rather not open up their PCs to install a PCI capture card – a USB video capture interface.

Using powerful motion detection technology, the Home Surveillance Kit can be configured to digitally record video clips of anyone (or anything!) that moves within the camera’s field of vision. You can even define a ‘zone within the camera image so that the system only records events you’re really interested in. Once triggered, the system will also send an email ‘snapshot’ of what caused the activation to an email address of your choice. What’s more, you can even connect into your home across the Internet and view your surveillance camera LIVE and in REALTIME!

In addition, the Home Surveillance Kit is fully X-10 compatible so you can also use it as a control centre for a fully automated home! Switch appliances on and off, fade lights and more from the comfort of your PC or even remotely across the net! Using InControl’s powerful scheduling features, you can ‘program’ your home so that X-10 electrical appliances switch on and off automatically as and when you want them to. Your home can even react to motion detection – if someone walks infront of your webcam, you can program lights to switch on automatically!

To purchase the Home Surveillance Kit online, visit the Digital Cybermasters website and simply click on the ‘BUY NOW!’ button”

Digital Cybermasters

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