IrDa Remote Control Extender

Submission by Simon Caslaw – At last a ntl/telewest compatible IrDa remote control extender!

The new innovative way to relay remote control commands from any RC5 or IrDA based device. DigiEye will allow you to control any satellite or cable receiver that uses both RC5 and/or IrDA codes. This includes all Satellite Receivers including EchoStar, Pace etc, European cable receivers for NTL and Telewest services, all VCRs and DVD players/recorders.

Included in each pack is a transmitter and receiver unit that works with existing commands from your remote control. The commands are transmitted over one of 16 different digital channels selected on the rear of each unit. This means that you can safely use the system without any risk of interference from a neighbor who is also operating an identical system.

It will also work along side your existing video sender such as the DigiSender also available from AEI.

Digisender   :   IRDA Sender

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