
Smart Home Diary

Oooops! It appears to have been a YEAR since I have updated this page. There’s so much that’s been done (and even more to do!) but here is a brief update.

So, what’s new I hear you ask. Well pretty much everything! Since we moved into the new house it’s been like starting with a clean slate. All the stuff below in the old house was basically research for the new one – and it was very useful research! The first systems that was up and running was the Comfort Alarm. Choosing Comfort for the new house was an easy decision – and it turns out the right one too! It’s features are too may to list here so check out the Comfort Review.

HomeVision is now up and running again too. There is some communication between Comfort and HomeVision (I have reserved an entire house code for this). I do most of the logic programming in HomeVision (because it’s so much easier than programming Comfort). For example the drive sensors and the external PIRs are all wired as separate zones into Comfort. When movement is detected an X10 signal is sent to HV which then turns lights on/off accordingly.

I have wired up one CCTV camera so far (at the back door) and I have it connected to the Home Automation PC via a WinTV-Go card. I then use HomeWatcher to FTP pictures to my website every time it detects movement. I must say I am surprised by how well this all works!

I have also purchased HomeSeer software so I can control my X10 stuff from anywhere via the web. I would highly recommend HomeSeer to anyone with a CM12U or anyone (like me) finding Comfort programming a little tough!

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