Myro Control have just launched their brand new Home Automation software – Myro:Home. Aimed at both the custom installer and the DIY enthusiast, the package suports theHAI range of home automation controllers. The $500 package is avialable now and there’s a free 15-day trail to download too.
It has been said that your home automation system is only as good as the installer who designed it. Now, Myro:Home allows the installer to focus on what they do best, the design of the system rather than design of the interfaces. Let Myro:Home handle all the interface challanges in style.
With Myro:Home, you can be up and running in less than 30 minutes – the longest part will be typing in the data needed to connect to the controller! Myro:Home automatically downloads the system information and lays it out in a rich, graphical way.”
The Basics:
- HAI Home Automation Controller (Omni IIe, OmniPRO II, Lumina, LuminaPRO) with Ethernet Port and firmware 2.14 or later.
- MS Windows 2000, XP, XP Embedded, 2003, Vista or later versions of Windows.
- Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
- Adobe Flash 9 (or greater) Player
- 25MB free disk space
- 512MB RAM
- 800mhz or Greater Processor
- Internet Connection
Devices Supported:
- TED Power Monitor System running TEDService (
- Any Whole House Audio System Supported by the HAI controller
- Any Lighting System Supported by the HAI controller.
- Any Touchscreen (using Myro’s on screen keyboard)
- Any IP Cameras that support JPEG snapshots (Axis, Panasonic, D-Link, StarDot NetCam & Express 6, & PiXORD)
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