New Comments System Now Available


So, this whole Web 2.0 thing is all about the "conversation" apparently.  Taking this on board, today we've added a Comments system onto the site.  The system lets you vote up and down comments and provides an individual RSS feed to follow per story too.  So tell us what you think of the products we cover. feel free to add your input on each of our articles.  Is there another product you've found that's better, have you a URL that would be helpful to others? – tell us.


(We're still testing so if you have any issue we'd really appreciate your Feedback).



3 Comments on "New Comments System Now Available"

  1. Nice keyboard in the article, good comments system too.

  2. “So, this whole Web 2.0 thing is all about the “conversation” apparently”

    This made me [b]smile.[/b] ;D

  3. Conversation? It usually seems to be witty replies to witty comments rather than any conversation.

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