New Pronto RC9800i and RU990 – UK Availability News

We just received the following from Lets Automate… “Let’s Automate are pleased to announce the imminent release of the successor of the colour RU980, the new ProntoProNG RU990 with a massive 48Mb of RAM, new, better tactile buttons and better IR learning.

Plus the long awaited RC9800i Activity Based touch screen remote control that features IR, Wi-Fi and UPnP connectivity. Setup and configuration of the RC9800i is done on the remote itself, and requires no PC programming

Both units will be in short supply up until Christmas, and we are taking pre-orders for both models right now, with delivery expected 1st-2nd week in October

Philips have also lowered the price of the RU980 so it is now an absolute bargain. Let’s Automate have taken all of Philips remaining stock, and shipment of this product is immediate.

RC9800i link

RU980 link, RU990 link

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