If you’re still not quite sure what home automation is, then perhaps this is for you. Dynalite have just published a new smart
home brochure which outlines some of the possibilities…
“There’s so much hype about ‘smart homes’ and ‘home automation’, so what exactly do these terms mean? Generally speaking, home
automation refers to anything that gives you control over the various technologies or ‘sub-systems’ found in your home; from
the simple – security, lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC); to the slightly more advanced – home
theatre, motorised curtains and blinds and wireless PC networks.
No matter how much control integration takes place, if you can’t understand, operate or feel comfortable with a home
automation system, then it’s not really a ‘smart’ home at all. Dynalite understands this fundamental principle and we have
created a suite of products to compliment and enhance your lifestyle, not complicate it… For more information request a copy of our new Smart Home brochure from [email protected]
. To see some sample residential projects please visit our web site at www.dynalite.eu
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