Here’s a new wireless CO2 meter for the smart home from panStamp. Everything in the panStamp ecosystem is open source, including hardware designs, libraries and software tools.
CO2-meter is a battery-powered carrier board designed to host a panStamp, a CoZIR CO2 sensor and a SI7021 Temperature+Humidity sensor. The whole can be used as a wireless air quality sensor for indoor spaces, where monitoring the CO2 level is necessary.
CO2 meter provides not only CO2 readings in ppm but also relative humidity and temperature. This wireless sensor is then useful for complete HVAC applications with extended CO2 control. The CoZIR sensor is sensible to CO2 levels between 0 and 2000 ppm, which is the perfect range for ambient measurement. We have been measuring the CO2 concentration in our work area and storing these readings into lagarto’s embedded SQLite database.
The panStamp meter will ship in a couple of weeks and is available to pre-order now for 149.00 EUR with the CO2 sensor fitted or 35.00 EUR without.
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