Plex Hits v1.0 – ChromeCast Client in the Works? [Updated]

We’ve been following Plex since it was osxbmc, almost 6 years ago now.  Last week the developers finally hit their v1.0 milestone with the release of Plex Home Theater.  You now have a choice of using it or the Plex Web client  on your desktop, although you’ll definitely want PHT on your HTPC.  We asked Plex lead developer Elan Feingold what lead to the switch from the old client to the new one, he told told us…

We’re bringing Plex up to date with upstream changes from XBMC and greatly enhanced user interface with the new skin which takes a giant step towards more common UI idioms across our apps.

Plex Home Theater also brings faster performance and plays even more of your media too…

…almost every single thing about the app is improved: it’s faster, prettier, and more powerful. It plays more kinds of media, plays it more efficiently, and looks better doing it. It even has a brand new auto-update feature.

Plex App for iOS 7In addition to PHT the team have also released an updated iPhone / iPad app that brings a refreshed design for iOS 7.  As with any major new release there’s been a little pain in this update, for example some of the remote functions have been removed.  However, the devs tell us that this will lead to a much improved 2-way remote facility in the future as they build these features back in that will be common across all client platforms.

We got our hands on one of the little ChromeCast units last month and it’s certainly impressive at the price.  It’s another obvious choice for the Plex guys to target and it does indeed look like a Chromecast Client is in the works.

It would be another shot in the arm for the entire Plex ecosystem allowing non-smart TV owners to easily add the inexpensive ($35) player to their HDMI equipped telly.

[UPDATE] – Just after we hit Publish Plex confirmed the ChromeCast News

plex-v1.0-home-tvshow-posters-seasons-level plex-v1.0-home-preplay-movie

UK users also have this unbeatable value Plex client currently too. Good times.

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