Submission by Jerome O’Donohoe – A clever chap called Stewart Allen is developing a Java – based Pronto editor (for all versions of the “proper” pronto remotes (i.e. not Neo) including colour ones. There are versions for windows, Mac OS X, Linux and boggo Unix. He is developing rapidly, the current versions look great and he is very contactable… I only downloaded it this morning, had a problem, and he had returned my email within an hour. It’s freeware currently as well. If there’s something special you need your pronto editor to do, he’s more likely to be able to get it in the software a lot faster than philips!
Click Here to visit the site Tonto
Note for those of us with USB only macs – you need Keyspan’s High Speed serial adaptor USA-19QW to talk to the pronto, nothing else will do!
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