RF ID Tags used in Smart Home Research

The BBC are reporting on some interesting research using RF ID Tags on a family living in a Smart Home…

"A family acting as human guinea pigs in a project to see how homes will be used in the future is set to move into a specially-designed house.

The Parnell family, of Sheffield, will spend six months in their hi-tech home, where their every move will be followed for the University of Nottingham study.

Tags will monitor which rooms they use for three periods of two weeks. The five-bedroom house has seven TVs, five bathrooms, self-cleaning windows and a blow-up dummy which irons shirts.

The aim is to examine "how modern families are living in houses", said father Nick Parnell.

He and his wife Sue, both 42, and their daughters Lucy, 16, and Hazel, 13, were chosen from 70 applicants wanting to take part.

The family has already spent the weekend trying out the house before being officially handed the keys on Wednesday.

The luxurious four-floor building, on the edge of Sheffield, has features including a laundry chute to take dirty clothes to the cellar, heated floors and phones that double as intercoms."



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