As featured on a number of tech sites Shuttle, well known for their small form factor PC’s, have released what is being described as a “Network Appliance”
Basically, a SFF PC distributed with Linux. Back in September of last year Shuttle released a joint press release with MandrakeSoft announcing a new partnership. In the future, all of Shuttle’s barebone Network Appliance XPC products would ship with a free version of the popular Mandrake Linux distribution. For those unsure about Linux:… “The combination of the SB62G2 and Mandrake Linux is, however, stunning. You can forget the old stereotypes of Linux. This combination just works – and works beautifully at that. Installation is a breeze and it is quicker and easier than even a Windows XP installation. The simplified approach of the Discovery Edition Linux results in a clean and elegant desktop that is easy to navigate and does everything you could want. If you want to get under the hood, and explore the internals of Linux, it’s all still there”
A more detailed review can be found HERE.
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