Sonos Release Free iPhone Controller App

Sonos iPhone Controller App

So as if to prove his point, a day after our Masked Installer’s piece on how the iPhone and iPod Touch are becoming such great Smart Home controllers, Sonos release their free app to control their multiroom music system.

“The Sonos Controller for iPhone™ is a free application that turns your iPhone (or iPod® touch) into a full-fledged Sonos Controller. Plus, it uses the familiar touch-screen interface and fits in your pocket so you can carry it with you all over the house. Best of all, you can download it for free on the App Store in seconds.

Just grab your iPhone and simply touch the screen to pick a room, point and flick to pick a song, and then hit play. Grouping zones and searching tracks has never been easier. You can mix and match Controllers (CR100, Desktop Controller and Sonos Controller for iPhone) for maximum flexibility. Or get started with Sonos using the iPhone you already own and one or more ZonePlayers spread throughout your house.”

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