With Philips announcing the death of their entire range of Pronto remotes a few weeks ago, and UEI following suit at CES cancelling their NeVo range too, the universal remote market seems to have taken a huge hit from the iPod Touch and the iPad. Never the less, Sony have decided to enter the fray with their own Wi-Fi and DLNA equipped touchscreen…
“HomeShare Wi-Fi Universal Remote Control – Also compatible with the network audio system is Sony’s HomeShare RMN-U1 Wi-Fi universal remote control. Featuring integrated Wi-Fi (802.11b/g), the touch-screen model controls the network audio products and certain new Sony connected BRAVIA televisions and Blu-ray Disc devices via DLNA and other home theater components via infrared.
The HomeShare universal remote provides simple activity-based control of home theater product and the ability to send music through your home network to HomeShare speakers in any room. Users can easily navigate music with jacket art and send songs to specific HomeShare speakers in any room.
Simple guided set-up makes activity creation and independent and grouped control of HomeShare Speakers easy with no PC programming required. The Sony Wi-Fi remote will be vailable in March for $300″
HomeShare Wi-Fi Universal Remote Control : The Masked Installer on The Death of Pronto
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