While 2006 will be a very special year for Automated Home (as we’ll have been on the web for a decade) today sees the mailing list part of Automated Home reach the ripe old age of Seven!
Launched in September 1998 the list has expanded from its embryonic beginnings into a huge resource of over 120,000 posts.
Thanks as ever to all our members, and especially the regularly contributors. UKHA_D has become known as one of the friendliest mailing lists around, and there have been many long lasting friendships forged over the years.
We currently have over 1,600 members and if you would like to join the UK Home Automation community click the following link – http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukha_d/
You can also search the list archive using the following link – http://www.ukha-archive.com/ml/ukhad/index.shtml
Happy Birthday everyone!
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