Wake Up to a Different View Out Your Virtual Windows

Fancy waking up in the countryside today, or would you prefer the view from a penthouse atop a city?  How about underwater or even the view from space?  Wacky as it sounds, these are all possibilities with the WindScape system.  The video below shows the setup in action, using two full HD 46″ plasma screens, being fed from a Mac and using a Wiimote along with a (rather brutal looking) IR emitting necklace to track your position.  This allows the system to serve up the correct image perspective to the virtual windows from whereever you are standing in the room.  If you have the hardware then Mac software is just $10 with the iPhone control App just $2…

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1 Comment on "Wake Up to a Different View Out Your Virtual Windows"

  1. pretty effective – couldn’t understand why the images were chosen to be placed quite so far apart, but presumably they worked to use all the available image (size / aspect ratio) with the available screens – can’t see why it wouldn’t also work with one screen with mullions added in-front, if required (?)

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