X10 Mini Timer (MT7222) – Review


The MT7222/MT10 (why is it that every X10 module has about a million different model numbers?) is the bastard offspring off a mini-controller and a clock radio, but without the radio. It’s somewhat stocky, and has a bewildering array of buttons on the top.

The mini-timer allows direct control of eight X10 modules in the standard mini-controller fashion, with 4 on/off switches, a bright/dim switch, and an all lights on / all units off switch. It has the now legendary slider switch allowing you to select between units 1-4 and 5-8 (but sadly, not units 9-16), and the de rigueur house code selector wheel.

In addition, there are a number of buttons for setting and programming the clock functionality. The mini timer allows you to have two on times and two off times for each of the four modules. Depending on the position of the slider, you can have timer control of units 1-4 or of units 5-8, but not both.

Setting the time is fiddly – there’s one button to advance by a minute, and another button to back up. It accelerates if you hold the button down, but I much prefer separate buttons for hours and minutes.

Should you so wish, you can opt to use a built in buzzer rather than control unit 1 (or unit 5).

The mini-timer can be set to repeat its on/off sequences every day, or additionally, you can use the “once” button so that any given programme only activates once.

Additionally, there is a “security” button, which adds some random variation to a timer programme. The first time the programme activates, it will turn on and off at exactly the times you specify, but thereafter it will turn on at some random time in your chosen hour and off at some random time in the chosen hour. For example, if I programme unit 1 to come on at 07:30 and go off at 07:45, the first time the programme executes it will be exactly as specified, but thereafter might come on at 07:01 and go off at 07:36, for example.

As far as I can tell, the unit seems to be sufficiently intelligent to avoid the brain-dead scenario of turning off at 07:01 and on at 07:36. Mind you, I’ve only sat there and watched it a couple of times – seeing as I mainly use it when I’m not at home, it can pretty much do what it likes and I’d never be any the wiser.

The mini-timer has a small compartment on its underside to house a 9v battery in the event of mains failure. If the mains fails, the display goes blank to conserve battery life, in order that your settings may be prolonged for as long as possible.

I think that there’s an LED which tells you when the battery needs replacing – I can’t be sure, I’ve lost the manual.

Approximate Price £26.00  :  Available From Lets Automate

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