Edward Pearson has launched new xAP Plugins for CeBotics HouseBot that lets the software work with any xAP-enabled device on a home automation network, like lighting systems including C-Bus, Dynalite and DMX; 1-Wire temperature/weather monitoring; audio servers like SqueezeCenter; caller ID and more. Read on for a special limited time offer of 20% off for Automated Home readers.
xAP Plugins for HouseBot by ersp-design is new software that lets HouseBot work with any xAP-enabled device on a home automation network. xAP-enabled HouseBot installations can work with audio servers such as SqueezeCenter;
lighting systems including C-Bus, Dynalite and DMX; 1-Wire temperature/weather monitoring; caller ID etc.
xAP can also be used to integrate HouseBot with other home automation platforms such as HomeSeer and Comfort providing user interfaces that can look as good as those from high-end manufacturers for a fraction of the
The xAP plugin adds additional devices to HouseBot:
- xAP Network Interface – An intelligent network interface that constructs a dynamic network view of xAP devices. It can automatically configure HouseBot for any xAP Basic Status and Control (BSC) device on the network.
- xAP Listener Device – Listens to all messages sent by a xAP device automatically creating HouseBot properties for xAP messages received.
- xAP Sender Device – Send any xAP message. Define the structure of the message using HouseBot custom properties.
- xAP BSC Binary Device – Simple on/off control for switches, relays etc.
- xAP BSC Level Device – Analogue control using a numeric level for dimmers, volume controls etc.
- xAP BSC Stream Device – Input or output of text or numeric information.
All these are fully compatible with other HouseBot devices. They can be scripted, used in triggers and tasks as well as working with HouseBot’s graphical remote control development tools.
HouseBot can be evaluated free for 30 days (visit www.housebot.com) and costs just $69US for a full licence. The xAP plugin can be used in trial mode with a limited number of devices for any period; an unlimited version costs just $10US. Visit www.erspearson.com/xAP/HouseBot.
Special offer for readers of AutomatedHome – purchase xAP Plugins for HouseBot any time before the 10th of November 2008 and receive a discount voucher for 20% off the price of HouseBot itself – you do the maths! Edward Pearson, ersp – design, London.
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