End of an Era as HomeVision Calls it a Day

We’ve reached another ‘End of an Era’ this week as Crag Chadwick has announced that his HomeVision home automation controller business is winding up.

It’s testament to Craig’s design that the 8-bit hardware has survived well into a 64-bit world and indeed still powers many homes today.

Its legendary reliability, expandability, flexibility and elegant macro programmability made it a firm favourite with home automators on both sides of the Atlantic.  This is your last opportunity to grab a discounted spare board or accessory.  Details after the jump.

“After more than 15 years selling the HomeVision line of home automation products, we’ve made the difficult decision to begin shutting down the business.  We will sell our remaining small amount of inventory, but will not be producing more.  We will continue to provide repair services for all products during the standard 3-year warranty period.  We do not plan on making any software or firmware upgrades unless there’s a major bug, which is unlikely.  We’re selling the remaining inventory as follows for anyone interested in making a final purchase:

  • HomeVision board for $200.  We have only a couple of completed boards remaining.  We have some additional boards that lack the video chip for the TV display screens.  This chip is obsolete and we probably can’t obtain any more.  Once the completed boards are gone, we will only be able to sell spare boards without the video chip for $190.  Fortunately, there’s never been a failure of this chip, so if you want a backup board, you should be able to reuse your current video chip in the new board.
  • HomeVision-Serial for $70 without a case or $80 with a case.
  • HomeVision-Phone/Serial or HomeVision-Phone/CID with a case for $170.  Note that we have only one of each left.

E-mail us at [email protected] if you’re interested in purchasing anything.”


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3 Comments on "End of an Era as HomeVision Calls it a Day"

  1. John Richardson | November 22, 2011 at 1:15 pm |

    Just out of interest as you mention the hardware is 8 bit: do you know what microprocessor these products use?

  2. My first ever controller, would never have got into HA without it!! In years to come it will be as legendary as the zx spectrum 🙂

  3. Any possibility the software/firmware will be made open source ?

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