Misterhouse v2.69 Released


Misterhouse, the popular home automation software for both Windows & Linux, has reached v2.69 this week.

With some exciting new features Misterhouse looks set to go from strength to strength, perhaps even stealing some market share from the more established HA software products.

v2.69 of Misterhouse see’s the introduction of an exiting new feature, Misterhouse can now act as a PVR!! While the feature set may not be complete, it’s an exiting development and one that’s sure to be expended on in the future.

Also included is an overhauled menu system, which includes colour coded buttons to indicate the state of a module.

Misterhouse can now react to the CM11’s ability to detect when there has been a powercut, and reset all modules & appliances to the state they were in prior to the power failure.

Along with many bug fixes & other small improvements, Misterhouse’s rise continues and it’s future looks great.


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