Our friends over at Freedomotic, the open source Home Automation Software project, have sent us details of their latest update. Version 5.3.0 is now available for download and brings a raft of new features and improvements…
Marketplace – The plugins can be easy installed from a menu without the need of download them manually from the web browser.
Core – Added stomp and websockets connections. Update the apache ActiveMQ to the last version. Changed the way automations (scenarios) are defined, now is much easier and intutive thanks to the use of nearly natural language and much more.
Development – We have switched to GIT as our main version control system. This allows a better development workflows. Clone freedomotic at: code.google.com/p/freedomotic/ Dailybuilds are created with every change. Freedomotic.com has also changed its aspect. New logo, new web design and a lot of improvements on the documentation. Discover its potential and download it here. Our community is growing up with new developers, testers and people interested in building automation, so we want to thank you all.
Projects In Progress – We have enhanced our framework following your suggestions, now it has better performances, many fixed bugs and new features. The developers of our community have recently added new great plugins like:
- OpenWebNet Plugin to communicate with MyHome BTicino systems.
- The TV Object and the new Pioneer Kuro TV Plugin to control Pioneer TVs via USB.
- Souliss Plugin to communicate with Souliss Arduino library
- RestApi plugin to expose Freedomotic evironment data using REST services. This is useful for example to create third party frontends
- Web client for controlling the framework with a simple browser and much more…
Check out project todo list at freedomotic.com and if you want to applicate for a project write on the forum or send a mail to [email protected]
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how do you get such interior plans ? Are they made by the Freedomotic software or is it one of those “static background image”s you’ve made a reference to ?
In the latter case, which software can be used to draw this kind of inside plans ?
Thank you,
Ivan (France)
Hi Ivan,
the background is a static image found in Internet. You can also personalize it using your floor plan.
You can create 3d models using sketchup or sweethome 3d.
You can also use http://www.floorplanner.com, which is free for 1 project, so just enough to draw your house 🙂
Thanks! (back from week-end).
ive used this for 10 minutes . . . . its HORRIBLE! keeps force closeing – unstable, thought it was my PC so i tryed it on my server ( WS2003R2 ) the same!
it seems so unflexible too, i cant see how this software can compare to any others ive used? and i cant see this running in a single room let alone a commercial environment!?
as always, IMHO
I would like to report the availability of the new version of freedomotic.
All the details at http://www.freedomotic.com/content/freedomotic-54-andrew-version-finally-out-news
Also you can download a whitepaper from https://freedomotic.googlecode.com/files/freedomotic-whitepaper-v1.5.pdf
Follow our activities on Youtrack
Overview new features
after a long period of braimstorming, work, testing the new Freedomotic version is ready. From the previous release we introduced a new codename based on famous books, movies and cartoons robots.
Now is the time of Bender, the robot character in the animated television series Futurama. (to learn more
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bender_%28Futurama%29 )
Thanks to the development team for its effort and to users that have contributed with their suggestions, testing, reporting.
There is a lot of work to do, many many features for the next release.
We need the help of all, so join our community and contribute to the development.
DOWNLOAD Bender from http://www.freedomotic.com/content/download
Hi all
finally the first Release Candidate version of Commander is available.
You can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedomotic/files/freedomotic-commander-5.6.0-rc1.zip/download
We ask your help: try it and share your feedback here or filling out the form at https://goo.gl/CC65By
Share your experience about Freedomotic: only 5 minutes of time to answer our survey at https://goo.gl/Iq8C6e
Thanks in advance
Hi all
Freedomotic 5.6 Commander RC2 is out and can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedomotic/files/freedomotic-commander-…
We fixed some bugs and in particular included the first draft of a web client.
After starting Freedomotic go to http://localhost:8090 in your browser and digit admin/admin as username/password.
You can access from another pc in your network by changing in the previous URL “localhost” with the ip of the machine running Freedomotic.
The web client doesn’t have all features included in the java frontend but they can run at the same time.
If you want to use only the web client please remove the folder “frontend-java” under plugins/devices.
We need your help in different areas:
– testing (not all browsers are 100% html5-compatible)
– functionality
– usability/UX
– graphics/layout
So report your comments/issues on https://goo.gl/CC65By
If you want to contribute take a look at the source code https://github.com/freedomotic and at our tracking system http://freedomotic.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issues?q=project%3A+{Web+app}
Stay tuned!