We reported back in July that RFXCOM were working on a new Ethernet device. This morning we can report it has been released, along with a new “Pulse” module which can be used to monitor utility usage by interfacing to Electricity and Gas meters for example.
If the Ethernet interface is connected to the Internet it enables you to add remote locations like your holiday home to your Home Automation system or control and check the home of your Grandma.
All existing Home Automation software that runs on a Windows platform and has interfacing software for the W800RF receiver or the RFXCOM receiver can use the RFXCOM Ethernet interface without any modification in the HA software thanks to the CPR (COM Port Redirector) software. This CPR software emulates a standard COM port. On other platforms like MAC and Linux, but also on the Windows platform the communication protocol is via TCP/IP with the receivers and transmitter.
All RFXCOM receivers have a W800RF compatible receiving mode and the RFXCOM receivers translate all received non-X10 packets (like Visonic, SecureLinc, KlikOn-KlikOff, Domia Lite) to an equivalent X10 packet. This makes it possible to process those non-X10 sensors and remotes without any modification in the Home Automation software.
There are 4 different types of RFXCOM Ethernet interfaces.
1. LAN with 1 COM port and connections for 1 or 2 receivers OR 1 transmitter,
2. WLAN with 2 COM ports and connections for 1 or 2 receivers AND 1 transmitter,
3. LAN with 2 COM ports and connections for 1 or 2 receivers AND 1 transmitter,
4. WLAN+LAN with 2 COM ports and connections for 1 or 2 receivers AND 1 transmitter.
RFXPulse – The RFXPulse can be used to measure electricity, gas, water usage or the pulse output of a device with a count output. The RFXPulse is a module that can be inserted in the RFXMeter . This RFXPulse module allows you to measure:
- Pulses from a blinking LED’s (e.g. electricity meter),
- Reflection from a mirror or white field that is present on a digit in a gas meter (Dutch gas meter has a mirror),
- Pulses from a relay contact.
The LED pulse can be measured by using the photo sensor of the reflective-optical sensor. http://www.rfxcom.com/sensors.htm#70091 The LED in the reflective-optical sensor must be disabled by cutting the white/transparent wire in the jack plug.
The reflection of the mirror on the 6-digit in the Dutch gas meter can be measured using the reflective-optical sensor. It seems there are also UK gas meters with a white field in a digit that can be used by the reflective-optical sensor.
The pulse from a relay contact can be measured using the open-end cable. http://www.rfxcom.com/sensors.htm#70092 The relay contact must be a dry contact, in other words it must be a free contact without voltage present. There are water meters available with a pulse contact that can be connected to the RFXPulse using the open-end cable.
The RFXMeter can have 3 RFXPwr and/or RFXPulse modules inserted in any combination.
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