Remember this date all those TiVo lovers in the UK that shed a tear when they retired their Mk1 boxes. According to Engadget TiVo boss Tom Rogers said this afternoon that he was “hopeful” that TiVo would be launched in the UK “soon”!
So will TiVo produce a FreeView or Freesat based box? We can’t see them getting into bed with Sky again after the last time. The Sky+ experience is shockingly bad, how is it in 2008 our Sky+ system isn’t even CLOSE to the TiVo box we bought eight years previously?
TiVo also revealed they are working on a hub or server box that would record for the entire family and serve to all the TVs round the house. Interesting times ahead.
Please bring back the TiVo in UK AND IRELAND. I am a loyal fan and will continue to use the TiVo until Apple bring out something similar.
tivo is it has to be said the best gadget i have EVER bought.
bestter than sliced bread no – but still brilliant.
Agree totally, I run 3 TiVos Lifetime Subbed and most of my famliy have them too. We need a new Tivo – ideally FeeeSat HD for me;
I’m curious though, why until Apple bring out something similar ? Do you for some reason think that Apple can build a better TiVo ??
running a poll on just this very subject.
bring back TiVo!
“TIVO” The best gadget of the century. Everything else has been inferior. So many people in UK have a single feed from satellite dish but would like to be able to veiw and record HIGH DEF without all the associated problems. I,m sure that TIVO would solve this.I await the retun of Tivo……
I’ve used Cox and Comcast DVR’s in the US – and they are the biggest cable companies in the country. Also Direct TV – the biggest satellite co in the US. All three have DVR’s with a ‘search’ function that lets you put in the letters that spell out a show – such as ‘The Good Life’ and it will show you when it’s on and on what channel for weeks to come. They all also record two shows while you watch a third. They are all far more intuitive and user friendly than Sky or Virgin. Tivo is better than the US cable and satellite company DVRs, but any of the US company DVR’s is far better than Sky or Virgin. I’m using Sky now and it is not user friendly. You have to push so many buttons, it is slow, it is unintuitive. It has that godawful ‘parental pin’ that is actually a ‘government pin.’ What a pain.