Home Automation software makers, HomeSeer, have just put a 45 minute webinar video of an introduction to HSTouch – their touchscreen interface software.
“Keeping in touch with the world (and with your home) – Smart phones and tablet PCs are all the rage in high tech gadgetry and it’s no wonder why. With thousands of apps available on the most popular platforms, users can access news, sports, social media, games, productivity apps and much more. It’s never been easier (or more fun) to stay in touch with the world. Now, with HomeSeer, you can stay in touch with your home too!
What can a HomeSeer system do? – In a nutshell, HomeSeer lets you monitor and control virtually every aspect of your home, including lighting, climate, appliances, audio/video equipment, security systems, shades & blinds, irrigation, energy management and more! And you can monitor and control your home from anywhere in the world.”
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199 + dollars for the HSTouch software that has a lot of bugs and no support 🙁